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Productive and interesting - the Cracovian project meeting

January 19 & 20 came out to be days filled with many inspiring and motivating moments - scientists from Poland and Slovenia utilized the time to exchange their past experiences and plan future work. Definitely, everyone had many opportunities to charge their batteries for upcoming research!

The meeting was filled with many different lectures on various subjects - we had the possibility to hear about the physical aspects of HCl emission from the surface of poly(vinyl chloride), theoretical models of plasticizer diffusion, spectroscopic evaluation of polymer's structure, or the chemical problems encountered while performing size exclusion chromatography. In that, everyone could learn about all their colleagues' scrupulous work, what is still a problem to overcome, and which subjects had already been examined in and out. That helped all of us plan our future work and choose the most important development directions for the upcoming months.

The fascinating talks were entwined with many pleasures - we visited the National Archives in Kraków, listened to a captivating lecture by Prof. Matija Strlič about conservatory prevention, as well as try out numerous finger-licking dishes from far-eastern Polish cuisine. We invite you to check out the photos below, while we'll get going with our work :)


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The research is carried out within the OPUS LAP 20 (2020/39/I/HS2/00911) project, funded through the CEUS scheme as a cooperation between the NCN (National Science Center, Poland) and ARRS (Slovenian Research Agency), project no. N1-0241.